If you would like to contact IMAS quickly, please use the Request for Quotation form.
IMAS International
al. Armii Krajowej 61
50-541 Wrocław
Phone / fax
Phone: +48 (71) 77 10 800
Fax: +48 (71) 77 10 801
E-mail *
Secretariat / Request for Quotation: imas (at) imas.pl
Access panel: panel (at) imas.pl
*) Because of spam programs which collect e-mail addresses over the Internet, in the above addresses we used (at). To send an email, please type @ in place of (at) and remove spaces.
Additional Information about the Company
Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia – Fabrycznej we Wrocławiu
VI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
KRS: 0000198616
VAT No.: PL 895-00-22-167
REGON: 930328918
Startup Capital : 176 000 PLN