Why do people behave in a specific way; why do they think this way and not the other; why do they make particular choices and what’s behind them? Qualitative research examines attitudes, motivation and the emotions of people in specific market conditions. Qualitative research enables creative thinking, open minds, the creation of new ideas, improvements and the checking of concepts.
Most frequently, qualitative research is carried out in, the so-called, Focus Group Interviews (FGI), In-Depth Interviews (IDI), and becoming more popular nowadays – ethnographic research.
Examples of subjects for quality research:
- exploration as a basis for further quantitative research
- analysis of motivation, behavior, trends, lifestyles, changes in target groups of product/ brand
- image analysis – of a person/ brand/ product/ service
- satisfaction level of products/ services
- brand/ company/ service loyalty
- analysis of company’s organizational climate and culture
- perception of advertising concept on different development stages
- quality tests of products and packaging (including taste-testing)
- testing logo and name of a product.
During qualitative studies, various specialist techniques are used in order to:
- reveal feelings, opinions, motivations (mainly projective techniques but also Q-sort or confrontational methods)
- create new products/ ideas – with the usage of heuristic methods (creative thinking):
– brain storms,
– experts’ evaluations,
– setting attributes,
– analogue.